Saturday, March 28, 2009


好闷哦!其实我闷不是因为没事做,或没人陪,而是没有人愿意跟我玩Magic the Gathering。我对这个卡牌游戏真的很有兴趣,但无奈我的朋友都不大感兴趣。去店玩的人又太厉害,也没钱做像他们的那种卡组。要花好几千块呢!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Magic the Gathering/万智牌

原本想写一篇关于Magic card的介绍文章,但当要写得时候却发现有太多的东西要写。而且要找相当多的资料才写得出。然而大部分的资料网上都有,实在想不到为何我要多写一篇。如果Sunbliss真的想知道,就找我,或上Magic the Gathering的官方网站吧!突然发现Magic the Gathering的中文居然是万智牌,实在看不出跟英文的有什么关系。

最近想了又想,总算想到要怎样进化我的Angel Control deck。以下就跟大家分享。Rout有可能会换成Wrath of God

Blue White Black Angel Control

2x Desolation Angel
4x Shadowmage Infiltrator
4x Plumveil
2x Wydwen, the Biting Gale

4x Counterspell
4x Mana Leak
1x Punish Ignorance
4x Path to Exile
4x Rout
4x Esper Charm
2x Phyrexian Arena

4x Arcane Sanctum
4x Coastal Tower
4x Skycloud Expanse
4x Darkwater Catacombs
4x Salt Marsh
2x Island
2x Swamp
1x Plains






Sunday, March 8, 2009

Replaying the Magic

I decided to write this in English, as I think this is the most suitable language to describe what I want to write now. What is the topic about? Replaying the Magic? Am I a previous magician? Haha, definitely not, even though I'm indeed thinking of learning some magic card trick in the past, but it didn't work out. Anyway, the magic I'm referring to is Magic the Gathering Trading Card Game, in short Magic Card.

I'm not quite remember when is my first time play the card game, I think is form two or form three. I not sure which of my friend pull me into this game, but I saw a lot of my friends are playing, and is definitely a very fun card game. The card is well painted, the game involve very deep strategy, and you are giving the freedom to build a deck on your own. A deck consist of 60 cards, which cards to include is all your choice. Beating someone with a deck you build yourself is a great feel of success.

My first serious complete deck is a Green Black Big Beat deck. The deck uses some elves for early acceleration to Spiritmonger and Fallen Angel. The deck even have a combo between Fallen Angel and Life // Death for a single turn win. The deck net me many success, but it can't defeat some of the more competitive deck, as the deck is not a fast aggro, and doesn't have anything to turn the tide in a bad situation.

However, is been a long time that I stopped playing the Magic card, recenlty before enter University I start replaying it. I have played Project X, an aggro combo deck, the deck uses Saffi Eriksdotter and Crypt Chamption to create an infinite loop, with the aid of another creature, such as Essence Warden to gain infinite life or Teysa, Orzhov Scion to make infinite 1/1 token. Another deck I played is Green Black Elf, an aggro deck. As the name suggested, it uses many powerful elves, with some disruption and removal. I still remember the Green Black Elf deck cost me almost 1k. One of the key card Garruk Wildspeaker cost RM70 each when I bought it. However, I have stopped play for a while since then. As I really don't have that much money to support this game. At least for the competitive purpose. Maybe I can play some casual deck with my friend, that would be more fun, but the problem is I almost have zero friends who actually playing casual now.

Guess I'm in this alone, the Magic Card is best play with friends, but almost most of them quit and have no interest in returning. Just recently the Pro Tour Kyoto finished, and my interest spark again. As I got no cash to play it competitive,ly maybe I'll improve on my own casual Black White Angel Control deck. A deck uses some early hand disruption and mass removal to keep the board clean, and drop Desolation Angel to end the game. I'm considering adding blue to improve the control mechanic.

The deck certainly need more card drawing power, Mulldrifter and Esper Charm are all very nice addition, and with blue, I can access to various counter magic such as Counterspell and Punish Ignorance. However, a three colour man base is very difficult to manage. Luckily, Shard of Alara added three colour tap land which kinda fix this problem. Well, still thinking about it. Maybe in this sem break I can finally get something to work. Hope my three colour angel control will be finish by then. By the way, the Alara Reborn expansion will be release on April 30th, looking forward to the new cards.

Finally, there should be a lot term you don't quite understand. A link to the decklist is provided. My deck is a little bit different as these decks are all money hunger, so I have to cut the expensive card and replace with some cheaper one.

Project X
Black Green Elf

Magic the Gathering Official Website

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


最近看了一套戏,The Curious Case of Benjamin Button。刚看到戏名时还真的不知道这套戏说什么,感觉就是那种很闷的文艺片。自己从来就不喜欢看文艺片,觉得好难明白里面的内容及要表现的意义。后来在报纸上得知故事是说一个出生时是老年,随着年龄会逐渐年轻的人的故事。这样的题材蛮新鲜,就决定去跟女友去看看。

其实看完后也不太明白它要表达什么,反而是主角Benjamin Button在戏里说过一句话让我很有印象。他说:“如果你不满意现况,我希望你有力量能重新开始。”看完这戏后,我一直在想我到底满意现在的生活吗?也许某些方面吧!但也有一些我不满意的地方,但我有勇气去做任何的改变吗?


