Sunday, April 26, 2009

Shards of Alara Block, worst set ever?

Actually I want to write bout my last week Genting trips, very memorable. However, just realize that I don't have any photos with me. So I decided to write it next time. Now let's talk about Magic the Gathering again. It's been a while I played standard format Magic the Gathering, I recently build an extended deck and do have fun with it. However, today topic will be centered around the latest set, Shard of Alara.

Shards of Alara actually introduce quite some new things into this card game. For the first time, there is a new rarity, the mystic rare is introduced into the game. Mystic rare is more difficult to get and only got one in eight booster pack. Therefore, mystic rare will have higher value, but these kind of cards usually is more timmy base, it's not the usual contrusted stuff you need. Another new things is the smaller set and change the theme deck to intro pack.

Let's not talk about the intro pack, as I don't really purchase any. I'm very positive about the smaller card set and introduction of mystic rare. One of the major reason I don't play constructed format is because of the extreme expensive card pool. This is also one of the major reason stopping new players from joining the game. When you consider you have to spend 500 bucks to get a deck build, you might better spend it somewhere else. Mystic rare can reduce the price for normal rare, and smaller set allow you to get your wanted cards more easily.

In the Shards of Alara block, expensive card is usually the mystic rare. Therefore most other cards will be cheaper. This is very positive for peoples who can build a cheaper and yet still strong constructed deck. Wizard should stopped printing over expensive card, all the power level of the card should keep at a standard.

Many peoples consider this set as a very bad set. However, I do not agree. With lesser overpower card, the format is more healthy and deck builder have more option. I'm looking forward that Lowryn and Shadowmoor to rotated out, so the standard format will switch to a format with variety of deck, not dominated by certain card pool only.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009






Saturday, April 4, 2009


其中一个我喜欢Magic the Gathering的原因是十分漂亮的插画。在卡牌上的插画都有相当的质数,都由不同的画家所画。自己本身就蛮喜欢Wrath of God和Damnation的插画,就给我一种世界末日的感觉。而这两张卡都是由Kev Walker所画的。

Thursday, April 2, 2009

三华 Reunion Dinner

三华的reunion dinner过了好几个礼拜了吧!现在才想起要写些东西。之前就在想到底要不要去呢?那些final year senior自己也没认识几个。熟的senior又似乎不太可能会去。当然,最重要还是晓香有没有去呢?

一开始其实是我想去,就叫她也一起去,毕竟没一起出席过类似的晚宴。虽然以前也有去过reunion dinner和course night,但那时还只是朋友阿!可是她却不太想去,她的好朋友都没去,要她一个人去似乎有点为难。之后很多coursemate都去,也叫我们一块儿去所以就去了。











昨天才刚刚完成了Virology的presentation,对于自己的表现还蛮满意。前一晚还在赶presentation slide,原本打算第二天早上才准备小抄,结果睡迟了。就连练习的时间也没有。还好一切都很顺利,而且senior的问题也都一一挡住了。觉得自己好像很厉害,哈哈!
