Thursday, July 30, 2009

我对Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen的影评

最近再看了一次Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen,对该电影有了更多的见解。其实电影给与一般观众的印象应该是合格的,毕竟该电影在商业观点上的却是很成功。但对于很多Transformers的fans,它是很令我们失望的。

其实到现在我对Michael Bay的Transformers设计是不太认同。跟原本的Transformers在设计上有很大的差别,电影版为了给Transformers有外星人的感觉,把它们设计成怪怪的。尤其是Decepticon,大部分不太正常,Starscream象只鸟,Davastator象猩猩,这都跟原本的Transformers设计大不相同。

Autobots的设计较正常,图为Optimus Prime和Jetfire的合体

除此之外,Micheal Bay对Autobot的设定也跟原本的卡通版有出入。Autobot应该是一个有爱心和重视生命的族群,但电影版里它们却几乎每次都要把Decepticon赶尽杀绝,似乎和Decepticon没什么两样。

当然,电影版里也没把Transformers设计成主角,对fans来讲Transformers变成配角就理所当然地会有点失望。而且电影里,Michael Bay也不断宣传美军的战力,让Transformers好像变得没那么强。作为fans,我当然是希望Transformers是无敌的,哈哈!虽然这次Revenge of the Fallen追加了Decepticon们之间的对话,但却减少了Autobot们之间的对白,跟上一集刚刚相反。

也许你们觉得我的影评太个人观点。那是理所当然的,如标题所说的,这是我对Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen的影评。我是以一个fans的角度去看这部电影,你也许有跟我不一样的见解。


P.S. :今天去了Tropicana City Mall,Mid Valley和Sri Petaling Carrefour,都找不到Leader Class Jetfire。Toy'R Us的工作人员告诉我昨天刚到的Jetfire已全部卖完,我第二天来只在Tropicana的Carrefour找到一只,但盒子有点扁,所以没买,其他地方已卖断市。才一天就卖完?怎么会有这么多人要Jetfire?

P.S.2 :原本以为能在星期六跟晓香去金马仑,结果已没酒店房间了。实在是有点失望,不知道之后还有时间去旅行吗?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Transformers,如果不是2007年Michael Bay开拍的电影版上映,我想很多人已经忘了他们吧!我从小就很喜欢Transformers,但无奈它的玩具实在是不便宜,所以从小就没拥有过它的玩具。即使多么喜欢,父母也从来不会买给我。

近年来我看了很多Transformers的动画,例如Robot in Disguise(日本的Car Robots),Armada(日本的Micron Legend)和Cybertron(日本的Galaxy Force)等。大家要注意哦!我在电影版还没公布就开始看这些动画,不是因为追捧电影版的热潮才看的。最近更看完了Transformers Generation 1和Transformers Animated。当中最喜欢Galaxy Force,Galaxy Convoy更是很酷,所以一直很想要有它的玩具,终于在昨天如愿以偿。

在网上得知有人要买出Galaxy Convoy,Sonic Bomber和Ligerjack。由于是一整套买出,省得我再去找Sonic Bomber和Ligerjack。价钱也是蛮便宜,所以决定买下。现在就让大家看下吧!

My first Transformers

All three in Robot Mode

Galaxy Convoy Fire Truck Mode

Galaxy Convoy Flight Mode

Galaxy Convoy Robot Mode

Galaxy Convoy with Super Cannon Battle Station

Galaxy Convoy Super Mode

Ligerjack Beast Mode

Ligerjack Robot Mode

Liger Convoy

Sonic Bomber Jet mode

Sonic Bomber Robot Mode

Sonic Bomber Cyber Planet Key Activation

Sonic Convoy

其实想了蛮久才决定要买的。之前也想过要买较新的Transformers如Revenge of the Fallen或Alternity,但最后还是决定买自己较喜欢的系列。在玩了几次后,对它们真的爱不释手,虽然是二手,但还是很新。下一个目标就是Revenge of the Fallen的Buster Optimus Prime和Jetfire。

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Who's the King?

Once again, I think this post should be presented in English. This is my style, when posting stuff with more factual properties, I will be using English. I like posting in English, I type a lot faster with English. However, so far I only have two post with English, both related to Magic the Gathering. This time, it would be a little bit different.

Another my style thing, my title usually misleading, or never intend to allow the readers to know the content of what I'm going to present here. This time is the same. Who's the King? King of what? You must be wondering. Let me show you two link below

Sony Ericsson summarizes Q2 financially, loses more ground

Nokia Q2 financial report is out, shows improvement over Q1

Now you must be wondering, why I ask you to read the financial reports. Am I going to do a summary or what? Obviously I'm not. I no person in any financial or business major. My purpose is to tell those who still think Sony Ericsson is the best, is the leader, is the king of mobile phone business, he is no where near it. The financial report just proved this. Just because you and your friends are using Sony phones, just because you seen everyone around you are using it, just because you saw those people in shopping complex are using it, it doesn't make him the leader.

Base on the financial report, Sony has loses more ground, with a decline in shipped unit and a great loss. He really need some sort of ace to reboot on the next quarter. As I said in my previous post (not in english), Satio is his ace now, and Xperia Racheal is coming as well. Maybe it would help them reclaim the market.

On the other hand, Nokia with a total market share of 38%, increased shipped unit and profit prove to be promising. However, the overall performance still struct by the economic crisis, but at least he is still leading the market. So, for those who think Nokia is falling, this report proved the other way around.

My purpose for this post is to piss those who don't know anything, just live in their own world. Open your eyes and see for yourself. Who's the King?

Friday, July 17, 2009


在星期四,我就上网跟Toy Wizard预定了Transformers Alternity Nissan GTR Convoy Black和Alternity Nissan Fairlady 370z Megatron Silver。原本应该是今天去拿,早上还满环兴奋的心情,昨晚还梦到已买下,正在Transform的情景。
Alternity Nissan GTR Convoy

今天,载了我妹妹去她朋友家,然后就出发了。结果十一点还没到,就到达Amcorp Mall。之前还担心找不到路,结果很顺利就到达了。走到该店的大门口,才发现他们还没开门。我才突然想起这类模型店不会像一般商店十点开到十点。
Alternity Nissan Fairlady 370Z Megatron


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

每个人小时候都有梦,可是随着时间经过,我们往往都会把梦给忘了。你又是否还记得你的梦呢?我还记得看Transformers电影时,第一次看到Optimus Prime transform的那一幕,我几乎要哭了。那种感动,看着自己小时候的梦成真,如此实在的呈现在我眼前,实在是非笔墨所能形容。
Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen

看完那部戏后,我就很期待续集的出现,Michael Bay也在电影上映后就公布开拍续集。终于,在上个星期三,我和晓香去看了Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen。其实想更早去看的,但答应晓香要和她一起看。之前已去过两次,都没看到,反而看了Drag Me to Hell。这故事会等一下讲解。


其实Michael Bay真的是功不可没,如果不是他,Transformers不会增加这么多fans。以前大家都认为Transformers只是小朋友的玩具,Michael Bay则把Transformers介绍给全世界的人,无论是大人还是小孩,大家都对Transformers有了另一番见解。续集会在2012年推出,我现在已经很期待了。
Transformers (俗称Generation 1)

好吧!电影版的故事说完了。之前说过我下载Transformers Generation 1来看,其实已看完很久。也许当年真的是很轰动。但现在看回,就少了当年那感觉,不过,还是很开心能回味一下这小时候很喜欢的卡通片。

最后,就是刚才要跟大家讲的Drag Me to Hell。其实我并没看多少。自己本身不看恐怖片,但就要陪晓香。其实该片也没有很恐怖,至少晓香讲的。